Breaking News: NYSD Match 1 Cancelled Due to Shortage of Officials – Find Out What This Means!

Due to the inadequate number of officials needed to meet the requirements of the permit issued by UKA for NYSD Match 1, we have regrettably been forced to make the difficult decision to cancel the match.

Although this is an unfortunate situation, we are still willing to host the match at a later date in August.

As such, we are kindly asking for officials of all disciplines – particularly a Chief Track Judge and additional officials for the field – to be made available for all the upcoming match.

Please send details, so that all positions are filled so we can determine that the next matches can go ahead.

1 Chief Track Judge

4 Additional Judges or Volunteers

3 teams of 4 for Field duties

1 Chief Timekeeper

3 Timekeepers or volunteers

1 person for results

A spreadsheet will all the forthcoming matches will be uploaded, were officials and volunteers can indicate there availability.

Marino Rea Danilowicz

Track and Field Secretary